Hello everyone. Natasha & I started out our day with some more English lessons. Then she played the "English" game on the computer. She is getting a little better at it each day. I even heard her say "A - apple." I don't dare say anything, because if she knew that I heard her, she wouldn't say it. LOL. At 2:00pm our driver picked us up. I Love That !!!!!! We went to the orphanage to pick up Marina to go to the circus with us. We got to the circus by 3:00pm & it didn't start till 4:00pm. This driver made good time because there was hardly any traffic out because of the "Holiday", and he seemed to know the roads better. A better way to get to and from where we were going. So, we went next door to a place similar to Circuit City & Target. Just looked around for 45 minutes before we needed to be at the circus. Bought a few things like paper, crayons ( I want Natasha to learn the colors). Bob told the girls they could each pick out a book. They both choose colored pens & a small sketch book. Total cost for the 2 girls, about $2.40. Not bad huh. We picked up a round casserole dish for Laura, because they loaned us theirs and it broke. So we are replacing it.
The circus was really nice. We all seemed to like it. I was impressed. It was a 1 ring circus and they added water shows with it. It was good. I like the 1 ring better than our 3 ring circuses at home. Here are some pictures from the circus.
Uncle Bob. Dude. I am totally with you. Your posting was a day or two behind, that's what messed me up. But, I think all you have to do is join the circus. O.K.
After the circus we took Natasha & Marina to McDonald's for dinner. The food is just as gross here as it is back home. LOL. Then it was back to the orphanage for Marina. We stopped at the grocery store, which is a challenge here. Nothing at all is in English, so it's hard to know what to get without a translator. Unless you just need milk, bread, eggs, & bananas. LOL. We are going to have to go back tomorrow or the next day with an interpreter. I want to make chili & we can't find chili powder to save ourselves. LOL. It was another good day. Hope you enjoyed the circus pictures.
Grandpa Ray & Dan. You guys think your so funny. You try teaching a 10 year old girl English who already knows Russian. LOL
Dan. Too funny. Does this make us even ??? LOL. You know you took that picture on purpose !! LOL.
Steve. My theory is that you picked a marriage book so you could hear more donut stories. LOL. Thanks !!!
Talk at everyone tomorrow,
God Bless,
Well, I just asked where the blog was, and it suddenly appeared. pretty good timing -- guess you are having lots of practice at that. Which 3 ring circus were you referring to, Riingling Bros or Ray household? Sure love these posts.
Mr. Ray, you took the words right out of my mouth!! LOL
"Which 3 ring circus were you referring to, Riingling Bros or Ray household?" LOL
OK Gail.. I didn't take the picture. It was either Eddie or Vasya. They were the ones with my camera most of that afternoon. I must have deleted over 200 pictures from that day. Bob probably has more pictures of me in Donetsk than I do. I am usually -behind- the camera.
I really do need to find a good teacher for the kids to learn to speak english. If you meet anyone have them email me.
I did get an email from someone you met at church there. I need to try to call and talk with him a bit.
The circus looks like fun. I'll have to look into it the next time I am there. How much did it cost?
Hi Guys,
On the apartment in Kiev.....how close were you to things such as grocery store, McDonalds, etc.. Did you feel safe walking around or would you have preferred being closer to the center of town? Also, which apartments did you stay at? We are trying to get that all worked out and I have found another site that has comprobable prices, but apartments appear to be very close to center of town.
Again, love the posts!
Bob and Gail,
Congratulations on the adoption of Natasha. She is a beautiful little girl. It looks like you have plenty of things to do in your region.
My family lives in Marion and Sandusky. When I was younger we also lived in Minerva and Dover. Small world.
Any ways I thought I would stay hi to you all and wish you the best on your return home with Natasha.
Robb and Jill
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