Friday, May 4, 2007

Day 20. Friday, May 4th 2007. 11 days till court

O.K. Everyone. Are you ready for this ?? Our big excitement for the day. Our apartment telephone rang !!!! We couldn't believe it. Bob & I looked at each other and then he ran for the phone. But, it was for me !!! Hahahaha. It was Slavik. He had a question about American sizes for his daughter Helena. Someone he knows from the states is sending Helena some clothes for her upcoming birthday in June. He needed to know her size. In American sizes. Our day's seem to be dragging on & getting more boring. LOL. Someone help me !!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, day 20 for Pete's sake.
Nothing really new. Natasha is continuing to progress in her English. It seems her worst part right now is rimming words. Like Cat & Hat, etc... But she is doing well. I cut my finger today in the kitchen & Natasha came in just as I did it. I said "ouch" & it started bleeding. Bob came in and said "Are you OK"? Before I could say anything Natasha said "No." We looked at her and she smiled. She is catching on !! It was great to hear her voice. We both gave her a big hug.
I made Chili today. Ukrainian style. The stove top works just like the oven. No temperature setting just on and off. LOL. So you basically have to turn it on & then when it's getting too hot, you turn it off. etc.., etc.. No simmering the chili on low all day. Just on till it boils & then back off. LOL. But it was good. Took me about 2 1/2 hours to make it. I think opening cans took the longest time.
Natasha & I plan on going to the beginners English class tomorrow. Again !! I am told that they will be there. This time the class is from 1:00pm - 4:30pm. That's better than 9:00am. LOL. I hope it's good for her. We will see. Bob plans on going to the men's breakfast at church at 8:30am. I wonder what they will make for breakfast. LOL. We are doing good here because we can go to the store & buy food. I hear the breakfasts here are not what we would think of as breakfast food. I guess we will see on that one also. No pictures for today. Natasha played with her friends today, but they are all getting really sick of the camera in their faces. I can't blame them. We will have to try to sneak a few, i guess.
Hey Mike & Jan. Yes, the one on one time with Natasha is good, but the time is dragging now. We just want to go home. LOL. But we will wait things out and hope we are still sane by the time we get home. LOL. With Natasha being here with us we have not been back to the Orphanage yet. When we do go back, I will get more pictures for you as best I can. We are having a party on the 14th, so that will probably be a day when we will see as many of the kids we know that are there.

Goodnight all,
sweet dreams,
God Bless,


Robert Ray said...

Hey, I could offer you some of the benefits of time on your hands -- some of the friends I make in Kairos are quite experienced at using time that drags on and on! For one thing, they seem to know their scriptures better than most of us. Suggest reading the Gospels, they are about the main character! Some of the inmates start quoting relevant passages from Numbers or Leviticus, and think I ought to follow immediately! I've always wanted to have time on my hands to read scripture without interruption! Did you know that Suzanna Wesley taught her 12 children to read using the Bible as their text? Just maybe Natasha could pick up some English that way! Sorry to be so wordy, but then you have the time to read, Huh! Love you all, Dad

Lucia said...

Morning! I can imagine things would start to drag after a while - it is not like being at home, huh? Glad to hear that Natasha knows the word "no" - kinda like a baby's first word! LOL I am sure that with the other girls, she will pick up quickly. Taya was starting to pick up English in the short time she and Rymma were here.
We got a call from Dan last night. He said that Angelina has a letter for us from Rymma! How exciting!!! I can't to "read" it - have to wait for a translation, of course. hehe THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for taking the gifts and letters to the girls for us!!!
Gail, you will have to make your enchiladas for us when you get back! We can have a mexican night dinner at our house - I think that would be fun!!
Take care and have fun today!
Hi, Natasha! :o)

Anonymous said...

we have THE most ridiculous family in the world, but i love us anyways.

Prom's tonite.
