Friday, May 11, 2007

Day 27. Friday, May 11th 2007. 4 days till court

Hello everyone. Well if you take Wednesday's and Thursday's blog and just add going to the grocery store, that's what we did today. Oh my goodness. Thankfully our slow days are coming to an end and then we have something planned everyday from Sunday the 13th until we get home on the 19th. Yea !!! So as I mentioned, we went to the grocery store today. Natasha did her usual English with me and on the computer. She only played a couple of hours today because of us going to the grocery store, dinner, and her and Helena playing this evening. She is up to unit 4 now, so she is progressing. I took my usual 1 hour walk. Bob walked 20 minutes with me, then he had enough. Still not feeling well, but he did get "Thera-Flu" at the store today. There is a small drug store in the grocery store. It was the best we could find that has a decongestant in it. They do not sell anything like Sudafed over here yet.
Oh, new news just in. We are having a slumber party again !!!!! Yea !!! Giggle girls all night long. They are probably just trying to get us use to being home again. LOL. Same 3 girls. Natasha, Helena, & Tanya. They asked me and I said yes. They were so thrilled I got hugs !!! No pictures yet. They have the camera. So maybe a few good pictures for tomorrow.

Dad Ray. Bob showed Natasha your message. She read it and smiled. Awwwww. Good job Grandpa Ray.

Hey mom, just offer Sabrina some money and she will have the house cleaned quicker than you or I could ever do it. That girl can clean circles around me. But, then again, who can't. LOL. Did you think we were exaggerating when we would talk about all the homework these kids have ?? OMG. I don't like it. I would like to see them get to play a little more because they are so scheduled at school also. But, I guess they are OK. None of them seem deprived or anything. LOL. Natasha has been listening to the music that's downloaded to my telephone and playing the games that are on there. She has figured out more things about my phone than I ever knew I had. You must just have to be a kid to do all these computer/cell phone things. LOL

Hi Lucia. Yes, we are very eager to get home ourselves. Our numbers are in single digits for court and our date to come home. That is looking really good to us !!!!! Hope everything works out for your girls. You will have to let us know. Val is very good at translating.

Well Katie. There are not 5 days left. There were 5 days left until court (now 4) But we are down to 8 days before we get home. Hurray !!!!!!!!! My love, you do not talk fast, you talk longggg and go in circles & circles, etc... There is a difference. Hahahahahahahaha. I love you girl. Keep up the good work on playing dumb & weak so Jerry will do it. Ha Ha Jerry.

Sleep tight everyone,
Love to all,


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the beautiful tulips. Think there are about 30 of them. They are just gorgeous. Will put them on the table for Mother's Day. I'm having Mom and Mary and the boys. Bill will be working but may come and eat. Thanks again and Happy Mother's Day to you also.
Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

I have been reading everyday and I am in awe of all you have done~ I could never do it. So glad to here you will be home soon. Even there you have a housefull of kids and it doesn't bother you!!!LOL Ariel begged me to have a slumber party for her 13th I gave in knowing I am hopeful this will be the last~Happy Mother;s Day what a great present a new daughter.
Always in my prayers