Friday, April 20, 2007

Still day 6. Friday the 20th.

Hello everyone. We left to go visit Natasha about 2:30pm, but we didn't get to see her until about 4:30pm. We had to make a stop on the way there. Our facilitator (and driver) was out this morning trying to get the conclusions from the juvenile authority. These papers need to be signed & stamped by another official. She first told us that it would not happen until Monday due to scheduling problems. She continued on the phone after telling us that. We don't know what she did or who she called, but about 1/2 hour later she said to us "We got it !!." "We can get the signature & stamp we need tomorrow, so we can send everything off to Kiev on Saturday night. Yea God !!!

We were able to take Natasha & 1 of her friends out to McDonald's (the kids choice) for about an hour. Then it was back to our apartment. It was still light out so Bob & I took a walk & we were invited up to our friends apartment here (Dave & Laura) for some dessert at 8:15pm. Good thing we took a walk huh. LOL. I can't tell you what it was, but it was delicious !!!! She made it from a fruit called persimmon. She said that is a common fruit here.

Uncle Bob. I have to say that I am sooo proud of you for writing more than just 2 or 3 words. LOL. Thanks dude, I have been enjoying hearing from you plus all your antics. We love you and Bob & I are looking. LOL LOL LOL (Uncle Bob knows what that means) Yes, we had beds on the train. 4 bunk beds.

Dad Ray. Natasha grabbed me tight & hung on. I, of course did the same. It was very good to see her. She is quiet again & the language barrier is there, but she seems to be opening up more everyday. Just like she did at home. She got a kids meal at McDonald's. Then her and her little friend did some whispering. Like we can understand what they are saying anyways. LOL. Then she had her friend say. "Bob. Me, Natasha, Mahrozhena." It was too cute. For those of you who don't know what Mahrozhena is, it's ice cream. Grandpa Ray & Natasha both love Mahrozhena. As well as the other 6 kids.

My Sammy. You are my favorite, middle child. LOL. I love you. Tell me about your Art project & how that went. Sabrina, my cat whisperer, what do you think. Should I bring this cat home ??

Hey Dan. Just thought you would like to see who I got to play with today. LOL. LOL. LOL
Here are a few pictures of our apartment/dorm that we are staying at in Donetsk for everyone who is interested in seeing it.

Good night everyone. Gotta get some sleep. Our facilitator will be here in the morning for doing paper work & then seeing Natasha again. Love to everyone.


Robert Ray said...

Hey, Glad to hear things workiing out good. Wondering if that shot of the restroom shows "Hers and His". IE. the brown bucket for Bob! Rooms look cozy! And of course, we are glad the camera and computer are working. Really liked the train -- a little cleaner and nicer than ours, huh?
Enjoy your time together.

Anonymous said...

Gail I am Sooooooo proud of you!!!!!
Enjoy your cultural experience. Expecially your alone time with your husband. I am praying for your safe passage home with Natasha. Thanks for the daily blogg, it is really neat.
Love ya. God Bless you all.

Anonymous said...

dont mind me, mom. i dont matter. just smead and kyle. FINE!!

last night i took a cake to uncle bob and aunt peggy's house. i actually had a piece even though i dont like ice cream cake. it was fun though.

cody and i played mini golf today. i lost very badly. he's such a cheater. haha. then we watched a movie w/ his mom. Planes Trains and Automobiles. it was funny.

miss you. hope you're having fun

Anonymous said...

OK Gail, no fair! Give Marina a hug from me! While you are at it, go ahead and pass out a few to the other kids as well. Let them know I hope to come visit soon.


Anonymous said...

Nice digs, hope you are well. You guys sound like you are holding up good. NO MORE CATS! you will give Marshmallow and George a complex if you bring home another cat, let alone one from halfway around the world. Love you guys and are praying for you. PS the lack of knowledge about the food might be handy in the weight loss department (and no i am not saying either one of you are fat!)